Ansha Kotyk - Fiction Author

A writer's blog

Monday, November 05, 2007

NaNo is here again- or the list of things I do to try and avoid doing NaNo each day

Okay so it's a long title for a short post. :) I've signed up to do National Novel Writing Month this year. Last year was fruitful. I wrote and edited a novella for a competition. It didn't make the cut, but hey, it was my very first novella, so I'm not heartbroken, much. :)
I planned to use NaNo this year to force me to do something I absolutely hate to do. Edit. My current WIP is a YA time travel. It's finished. Well, technically the extremely rough first draft is finished. Now I'm working on the "hopefully better, but still needs work" second draft. That's where NaNo comes in.
To become a writer, I have learned, that you need to really get in touch with yourself. No, I don't mean in any kind of metaphysical way. Find out what works for you by trying different methods to get the best work out of your brain. You need to push yourself to do things that you aren't comfortable doing. Like Editing and Revising a WIP. :)
You see with NaNo I am responsible for posting my progress to my peers at Romance Divas. This kind of accountability is what actually keeps me writing. So if you ever find that you just can't do it, find someone that can hold you accountable for your writing actions. It can make all the difference in the world.