Ansha Kotyk - Fiction Author

A writer's blog

Monday, April 09, 2007

Okay its truly been a long time

I'm obviously not the blog to come to if you you're looking for a new post. :)
But here's an update from Ansha the YA novelist.
So far I'm about 28k into the story. Which is actually great seeing as I write a skeleton for a first draft. 28k right now is the whole story start to finish, minus a few subplots which are being a pain to write.
I have to work on the following to finish the story: 1. subplot of the villain- you'd think I would have worked this in already but no, not me, I live on the edge.
2. the subplot of the mentor... do i really need her. Yeah, I probably do.
3. subplot of the good but not so good dad/cop- he's in cahoots with our villain but I'd like him to redeem himself at the end. That would be nice wouldn't it?
So that's it. That's what I've been up to for the last month. Writing, writing and more writing. Just do it, was my motto for the month.
Next month, its Just Finish It!
Happy writing everyone!